Oak Tree Transplantation

During the course of the development of the Mangrove Garden, it has been our experience that the following guidelines were very successful:
- Root pruning should take place 6-8 weeks (optimum is 8 weeks, time permitting) prior to a move.
- Adequate irrigation to provide misting of the tree's base to stimulate hairline roots is an absolute necessitiy - 24 hours a day both before and after the move - tapering off slowly after the move.
- When positioning a tree in its new location, great care should be taken to ensure that the root ball 's surface is not covered with additional soil.
- Post-move: mist the surface of the repositioned root ball for approximately 12 months, gradually cutting back from round-the-clock misting.
- Position sprinklers in the tree canopy to rinse off salt residue - rinsing three times a day for an hour - once every 8 hours.
- Fertilize the transplanted tree after it has been in place a minimum of 12 months.
- Lots of Good Luck and Prayers.